Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why is it that some men cant seem to grow any facial hair??

For the same reason some men are blonde or tall or overweight or have diabetes or have one ear slightly higher than another ear... genetics.

Why is it that some men cant seem to grow any facial hair??


Why is it that some men cant seem to grow any facial hair??

I guess its just the way it is. We can't all be Grizzley Adams.

Why is it that some men cant seem to grow any facial hair??

It has to do with testosterone and genetic makeup.

Why is it that some men cant seem to grow any facial hair??

I've shaved my nuts ... wanna buy the hair?

Why is it that some men cant seem to grow any facial hair??

every guy grows at some point hair...

some earlier

some later

Why is it that some men cant seem to grow any facial hair??

it depends on generation too.. some men are very hairy nd some are hairless ... it may also take time to come so dont wrrry

Why is it that some men cant seem to grow any facial hair??

I has to be genes of course. The problem with me is that none of the men in my mom's side of the family had any armpit hair, i'm afraid that is the cause of my "microscopic" armpit har

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