Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

Use tweezers

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

Use a Razor=))

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

Use tweezers.

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?


Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

a razor instead of chemicals

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

buy those wax kits

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

I think there is a natural one that you can use ingrediants from your own kitchen at BeautyDen.com but I've never tried it. Click Beauty Recipes under Beauty and Style. It should be under there

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

i hope u not a girl

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

Get a razer and shaving cream and shave

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

just use some freakin duck tape that's more easier and cheaper!!!!!!!

Can anybody tell me a home remedy for removing facial hair on hands and face?

My frend uses sugaring....u can buy this in a store or make it at home. To make it u jus heat up sum sugar with lemon juice in it ...wen its melted put it on ur face and leave till its hardened. Then u can pull it off and it will come off wid da hairs.

WORD OF WARNING! let the sugar cool a lil b4 u put it on ur face otherwise u will get burnt!!

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